Create your first free blog at ~ AIO-Solution | your all in one solution web

Create your first free blog at

Having a blog is a great thing, because you can share anything you like, and if you are wise you can also Earn a decent income from your blog.
Create free blog at blogger

There are many blogging platforms which offer users the ability to create free blogs. If you are looking for free blog creation, my suggestion would be to start blogging from or  Once you have some blogging experience, you can advance and become more professional with your self-hosted WordPress blog.

Today we will talk on how to create a blog on blogger free. Blogger is an online service owned by Google that publishes single or multi-user blogs created entirely by the user. The service has quickly become the preferred choice of many novice bloggers and is one of the easiest methods of creating and publishing a blog for free. If you are unfamiliar with the service, this article will teach you how to set up an account and create a blog on you can create blog free here without any experience by following the below steps:

Steps to create a blog on blogger (google's blogging platform)

Step One:
  1. Sign-in to using your google email
  2. Confirm Profile by clicking the Continue to Blogger button at the bottom of the screen
Step two:
  1. after sign-in you will be directed to your blogger homepage.
  2. Now, Click on New Blog button.

  1. The Create a New Blog window should appear.
  2. Type in a title for your blog in the Title box
  3. Type in a short address that relates to your blog's title in the Address box.
  4. Important! If the address is already taken you will see a yellow box with an exclamation point. If the address is available, you   will see a blue box with a check mark.
  5. Select a template from the options provided by clicking on one. When a template is selected, it will have a blue box around it.
  6. You must select a default template for now, but you will be able to customize it later.
  7. Click Create Blog button.

Now, you have successfully created your first blog

you should follow these steps now
  1. start posting
  2. share on social media
  3. customize your blog template (theme)
  4. add some gadgets (plug-ins)
  5. do some SEO (rank your blog)
  6. apply for google adsense (earn money)
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